A Diverse Range of Solutions
The key to getting the most out of your Ultimate Horse Stall Mat is to have good drainage. Remember, the urine flows directly through into the subsoil. That's how you save. You can check the drainage by pouring a bucket of water into the stall. If the water soaks in rather quickly, it should be fine to proceed with the installation. If the water sits and has trouble draining, then the ground needs some work.

We recommend 4 to 6 inches of limestone or crushed stone or really any material that you can find in your area that drains. You can also create a leach pit by digging a hole approximately 2 feet in diameter by 2 feet deep and fill with some sort of gravel or small stone usually available in bags at any garden center. Leave the leach pit slightly lower and slope the surrounding area to it. Basically, whatever it takes to get the ground to drain is the key.

Wood Stalls:

Center the stall liner in the stall with the shiny side up and the furry side facing down. Let the excess material run up the wall, and with the screws provided, screw the molding over the liner, securing it to the wall at the desired height. Cut off excess with a utility knife. NOTE: For ease of installation before use, it is recommended to leave molding in the sun or in a bucket of hot water for a while to make plastic a little more pliable and easier to work with.

Concrete Block Stalls - Paddocks - Wash Racks
Using treated 2x4s or 2x6s, build a frame around the perimeter of the area you want to cover. Lay the wood flat, not up on edge. Fill the center with dirt, so the wood is level with the surrounding area. If you have a concrete block stall, cut the wood a hair bigger, so you have to tap the wood in place to get a snug fit. To secure liner in doorway, place wood flat and level with the ground across the threshold and again cut a little bit. Attach shiny liner side up furry side down using our installation kit.
For harsh ammonia buildup, treat the area with a disinfectant. e.g. (pine sol and water) poured through the stall liner. There are other products like Sweet PDZ, Stall Dry, and Zeolite that also work well. Also, make sure you use plenty of bedding (6 to 8 inches) to get the maximum life out of your liner.